Leverage your current investment on JD Edwards, using it as the single source of truth ensuring all data and calculations, already present in your ERP database, are displayed to the business users logging into the online store. There’s no need to synchronize the data in the ERP system with the web store, which saves both time and money with …read more
Adding an online sales channel for your business is definitely a great advantage over your competitors, a perfect chance to start generating higher revenues. There’s no need to synchronize the data in the ERP system with the web store, by ensuring SAP data is maintained as the single source of truth for your current business, saving both time and effort …read more
You spent a lot of effort and went over your budgets fine-tuning your Oracle ERP application. Now its time to get the most out of the various backend processes, by implementing eComchain online store that becomes an extension of your Oracle ERP application, without disrupting the existing business processes with lower TCO and quicker ROI With an intuitive catalog management, …read more
Manufacturers and wholesale distributors are experiencing growth in online revenues between 10% and 20% simply by implementing scalable B2B2C eCommerce sites. Let’s take a quick look at the factors to be considered when building an eCommerce platform, unique to manufacturer’s and distributor’s markets, including a look at how a B2B2C model could grow the distribution system and accelerate sales. …read more