Today’s B2B ecommerce demands are straining older ecommerce websites. Vendors are finding their wholesalers, distributors, and agents are becoming more internet savvy and demanding more capabilities. Their customers are looking for a user-friendly feature rich experience they are used to at top B2C sites. Vendors with outdated websites are finding it harder-and-harder to retain customers while their competitors who have updated their …read more
Monolithic B2B eCommerce platforms are finding it challenging to stay relevant and competitive. To solve this growing issue in the B2B and B2C E-Commerce space, eComchain a SaaS-based eCommerce platform, hosted on AWS & Azure launched its microservice architecture making it the most flexible eCommerce agnostic to any frontend technology. With these services, developers have the freedom to optimize the code, …read more
Unlike B2C, B2B often involves purchasing directly from the manufacturers who may not want to ship in smaller units. In addition to this, many B2B clients also have unique checkout requirements as follows, all of which exists on the distinct one-stop eComchain platform: Multiple carts for splitting the ordering of multiple catalogs with their individual checkout flows Customer Service Representatives …read more
Evolution of B2B and B2C eCommerce solutions in the past couple of decades, as distinct offerings, has led to inefficiencies, with duplicated efforts that goes into maintaining separate eCommerce platforms. For organizations that would like to see a unified experience connecting B2B and B2C eCommerce storefronts at various levels of the supply chain, eComchain becomes an automatic choice. With eComchain, …read more