Sort, filter, buy

Advanced Search features

Make it easier and more efficient for shoppers to find their choice of products faster. With eComchain’s advanced search features and faceted search, online store merchants can now enhance the shopping experience, which ultimately would be the key to increased conversion. With type-ahead and auto-suggest features, online shoppers can get to their products much faster, with the checkout features on the search results page itself.

Faceted Search

Using faceted search feature online store merchants can now add product filters providing an easy-to-shop format. For eg. options such as sizes, colors and brands product filters would display the results dynamically based on the selection of each of the attributes, allowing your shoppers to sort, filter and shop based on what’s important to them.

Increase your customer loyalty

Using Natural Language Processing (NLP)

eComchain’s search engine thinks the way humans do. Using natural language processing merchants can now narrow, contextualize and ultimately improve search results. A good example of this would be where a shoppers search for Cafe’ while the catalog has products listed as Cafe (without an apostrophe). Included with the NLP feature, there's a feature to boost the search result based on the online demand for the products listed on the catalog, boosting conversion by 10%.

Improving Site Search speed

Use faceted search merchants can now improve site search speed and accuracy without having to modify the code. Using eComchain’s dashboard, merchants can set up attributes and associate them to the products, forming the facets for the online store. It's easy to make changes to existing attributes of a product or be able to add new attributes introducing new SKUs for each product.

Product filtering is a standard feature on all eComchain plans. Contact an eComchain consultant to find out if this exciting new functionality is right for you.
