eComchain’s 2-way B2B integration solution with Yellow Dog’s APIs to manage inventory data

Yellow Dog and eComchain have worked together to develop a seamless integration with each other’s software systems allowing clients to work faster and smarter to uncover opportunities to improve their inventory in-stock position. Improvements in inventory management help businesses to ensure that they have the right items and the right inventory on hand to meet the demand. This results in capturing more customer demand for the business and an improved shopping experience for the customer.
Navigate to the inventory configuration within eComchain admin dashboard’s site settings.
After adding the configuration to fetch the inventory data, Yellow Dog’s store ID field is received from the transaction response which is used to fetch the real-time data from the corresponding websites.
The appropriate account information and configuration data is added to the required site to call the API.
Once we have added the configuration data to call the API, we can call the corresponding products on eComchain from the Yellow Dog database. The products are shown by comparing the product code of eComchain products against the SKU code of Yellow Dog products. We then add the yellow dog Item ID to the database of the corresponding products on eComchain.
Once we finish the sync process, we can fetch the data by clicking on the ‘Fetching Inventory data from Yellow Dog’ button
The products can be selectively synced based on the requirements to fetch the stock data from Yellow Dog
The transaction details can be verified on the Yellow Dog’s inventory dashboard
Yellow Dog and eComchain utilized their respective quality assurance resources to test and validate data integrity. Furthermore, the integration was fortified with details such as sync frequency and supported data fields.
For a complete walkthrough of the flow for eComchain’s Yellow Dog integration.
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