Saved carts in eCommerce

Have you ever wondered how to give your customers an easy option to access their list of products anytime that they wish to purchase but are not quite ready to place instant orders? eComchain achieves this by allowing the customers to save multiple carts with different set of products which they can access through their account at a later time when they have finally made up their mind to move forward with the store checkout process. Customers can keep their saved carts indefinitely for a later purchase date. They can view and delete their saved carts whenever they want from within their account. These saved carts are also automatically deleted once the user completes the purchase of the items listed in them.
Once the user has added all the products they want to keep within a saved cart, they can access their active cart by clicking on the shopping cart logo. This way during every user session, there is a potentiality of managing two carts at a given time – the active cart which is used for the current checkout process and the saved cart where user can log a history of product listings which they would like to revisit later.
For each saved cart, user will see the Purchase Order Number (if provided by the user), the number of items it includes, its creation date and an option to delete the saved cart from the list-options to add the group to the active cart or delete it. The user can click on any of the saved carts from the list to view the details of the same which includes unit price and quantity of each item saved within the cart. The quantity of each of the items can be edited before adding the saved cart to the active cart at any time for purchasing.
The saved carts feature for any site can be enabled or disabled by the site administrator using a toggle button located on the eComchain admin dashboard’s site-specific settings.
eComchain’s saved carts feature has definitely contributed in boosting the sales for the B2B clients since convenience in managing and reusing their cart inventory is a huge deal for the B2B customers. Many of them find this feature very useful from the standpoint of repeatedly buying the same set of items (sometimes configured to their various SKU specifications) without having to go through the hassle of catalog navigation.
To learn more about eComchain’s saved carts feature for the B2B customers, please visit:
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